
Dark Guardian: Chapter 2

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When they finally reached Tails' house, Cosmo could not help but be impressed by Tails' humble abode. His house was a small A-Frame style building, which was perched on the edge of a hill consisting of two stories and what looked like a basement area toward the back. There was also a shed like structure off to the side of his house, which Cosmo assumed was his workshop. What impressed her more was the fact that Tails lived in and maintained his house on his own with no parents or guardians to look after him. She wondered if this ever made him feel lonely. She also began to wonder where his parents were and why they had left their son to take care of himself. Cosmo could not help but pity Tails as they walked toward his front door.

As they approached his front door, Tails reached over to the side of his doorframe and began typing on a keypad built into the wall. Cosmo watched in curiosity as Tails did this, wondering what possible function the keypad could hold. She received her answer when the door made a loud click, making her jump back in surprise. Tails turned the doorknob and gave the door a slight push as it opened into his living room. He held the door open and gestured for Cosmo to enter, which she did gratefully. He shut the door behind them and then approached Cosmo, smiling happily.

"Welcome to my house Cosmo!" He said gleefully, "Feel free to make yourself at home!"

"Thank you Tails," Cosmo replied sweetly, "You're so kind."

Tails walked toward the couch, gesturing for Cosmo to sit while he himself remained standing. Cosmo obliged, sitting erect on the checkered couch while Tails seemed to be searching around the room for something. Cosmo looked at him curiously as he began peeking his head into some of the adjacent rooms.

"Do you need anything Cosmo?" Tails asked while looking in another room, "Are you hungry or thirsty? I can get you something if you want."

"I don't want to trouble you," Cosmo said as she continued to watch Tails curiously.

Tails turned to face Cosmo, giving a slight chuckle as he did. "It's no trouble Cosmo. You're welcome to anything I have. My house is your house!"

"Well... I am a bit thirsty," Cosmo said uneasily.

"I can get you something to drink," Tails offered, "I've got soda, tea, and water."

"I suppose water would be fine," Cosmo replied, "Are you sure it's no trouble?"

"Cosmo, it's fine. I really don't mind getting it for you," Tails insisted.

"Well... alright. Thank you."

"You're welcome!" Tails said as he dashed off to his kitchen, leaving Cosmo by herself in the living room.

As Cosmo sat on the couch her eyes began to wander around the room. She could not help but marvel at Tails' generosity, accepting her into his home and sharing with her his hospitality as though she had never been gone. This made her feel slightly guilty. She felt as though she had been enough trouble while they had been in space together and did not want to burden Tails now. Although he had admitted that he loved her, Cosmo did not want to take advantage of him because of that fact. She decided that she would try to be as non-intrusive for Tails as possible.

Tails quickly re-entered the room carrying a tall glass of iced water, walking over to Cosmo and handing it to her. Cosmo accepted the glass, smiling gratefully as she did.

"Thank you Tails," Cosmo said, bringing the glass to her lips and taking a drink.

"No problem Cosmo!" Tails replied happily, "If you need anything else just let me know!"

"Thank you, but I'll be fine."

Tails smiled warmly at Cosmo before resuming his search of the house. He walked halfway up his stairs before turning and walking back down, muttering something under his breath.

"Where is he?" Tails mumbled to himself.

"Who are you looking for Tails?" Cosmo asked curiously.

"My cousin Merrick," Tails said, "He's been looking after me since... uh... since... He's been looking after me for a while now."

Cosmo noticed the hesitation in Tails' voice. She began to grow worried about what Tails was keeping from her. Although she did not remember much from when she had been dead, she began to recall that there was something awful that had happened to Tails. She seemed to remember coming to him, but why she did not know. Whatever it was, she suspected that it was why his cousin was staying with him. What was Tails not telling her?

"Merrick!" Tails suddenly yelled out, "Are you here?"

Tails received no reply. He shrugged his shoulders and turned to face Cosmo who stared at him with a questioning look. "I guess he went somewhere," Tails said, walking over to the couch and sitting next to Cosmo.

As Cosmo continued to examine the room she suddenly noticed a yellow piece of paper resting on the end table next to her. Curious, she reached over and grabbed it, looking over it closely. She then turned to Tails with a questioning glance.

"Tails, what's this?" She asked, handing him the paper.

Tails accepted the piece of paper from Cosmo, carefully examining it. It appeared to be a small yellow post-it note with slightly messy handwriting on it, which he immediately identified as Merrick's. He then began to read the message out loud.

"Gone to Vanilla's. Call when you get back, Merrick."

Tails set the note down on his coffee table before turning to face Cosmo, letting out a slight sigh as he did. "I guess he's over at Miss Vanilla's house. I had better call him to let him know I'm okay."

Cosmo watched as Tails got up, making his way over to the telephone at the far end of the room and picking up the receiver. He quickly dialed a number and placed the receiver up to his ear, hearing the dial tone drone on as he waited for someone to answer. After waiting for almost a minute he placed the receiver back on its base, giving a frustrated grunt.

"I guess they're busy," Tails said as he walked back to the couch and sat down, "I'll try again later."

As the two sat, Cosmo continued to worry about why Tails' cousin was staying with him. Although she did not know why this bothered her, she could not help but feel that there was something awful that Tails was not telling her. She tried to recall the encounter she had with Tails while she was gone, but her attempts to remember were met with failure. What little she did remember however told her that something terrible had happened to Tails, something he had caused. She needed answers, and to know if it had been her fault, whatever it may be.

After a long moment of silent thought, Cosmo gave a long sigh and looked at Tails. "Tails, why is your cousin here?" She asked worriedly.

Tails seemed to grow nervous at this question, adverting his gaze and shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He looked down at his shoes, seeming to be pondering something. Finally he looked back at Cosmo, with guilt reflecting in his eyes.

"I... got pretty lonely while you were gone," Tails lied, "I just needed someone to stay with me."

"Tails, I know there is something you are not telling me," Cosmo said, not willing to take that for an answer, "I don't remember much from when I was gone, but I do remember coming to you for some reason. What was it?"

"You remember that?" Tails asked nervously, "How much do you remember exactly?"

"I... remember a grey room," Cosmo said, closing her eyes and trying hard to remember, "I think... yes, your friends were there... and they were crying. You were... on a bed... not moving... I asked you to return, I think. Then there was black... with brown eyes. What does it mean?"

"I... uh... maybe we should just forget about it," Tails stuttered.

"Wait," Cosmo said suddenly, "I remember red... blood, I think... on your wrists. You didn't want to go back... you-" Cosmo's eyes suddenly snapped open, looking shocked and frightened. All of the pieces suddenly snapped into place as she looked at Tails with a worried expression. "Tails... you didn't try to... hurt yourself... did you?"

Tails grew very quiet, bowing his head in shame. He looked down at his wrists, remembering what he had done. He had hoped that Cosmo wouldn't remember his attempt on his life. He knew how much it would hurt her to know he had nearly killed himself over her. Now that she knew though, he could not lie to her. Slowly he looked back at Cosmo with sadness in his eyes.

"I was really depressed Cosmo," he began, "I felt dead without you. I needed you... so I tried to be with you."

Cosmo slowly brought her hand to her mouth with a look of horror crossing her face. She was in complete disbelief. Tails had been so upset by her death that he had tried to take his own life. To think that he had almost died because of her made her feel all the more guilty. Perhaps he would have been better off if she had remained dead.

Tails grew worried as Cosmo adverted her gaze, burying her head in her hands and beginning to sob. Tails gently placed a hand on her back attempting to get her to face him. Cosmo didn't budge, only sobbing louder.

"Cosmo, please don't cry," Tails said comfortingly, "I-I was upset. I'm better now though."

Cosmo continued to cry, refusing to look at Tails. All the pain that he had been through, all the suffering he had endured, had been her fault. Whether it had been intentional or not, she could not help but think that she had been the one who had caused her love so much pain. What good was she to him if her presence only brought him harm?

As Cosmo continued to cry Tails placed his hands on her shoulders and attempted to get her to face him again. Cosmo refused, pulling away from his grip as her sobs continued. Tails began to feel guilty, not wanting what he had done to ever affect Cosmo. He gave a long sigh and spoke softly.

"Cosmo... I know what I did was bad, but I never meant to hurt you like this. I was sick. I know that now, but it was my fault. I was being selfish. I never thought to consider how this would make you feel."

"This is all my fault," Cosmo wailed, "You would have never done something like that if I had never left in the first place. I wish I could have stopped it, but I couldn't. I wasn't strong enough! None of this would have happened if you had never met me!"

Tails was shocked. How could Cosmo possibly be at fault for an attempt that he had made on his own life? He hated himself for what he had done; not because of what had happened to him, but because of the pain he had caused the girl he loved. Now she was blaming herself for his mistake. He could not let her continue on believing that it was her fault he had tried to commit suicide, when in reality he knew that it was because of his own weakness. He had let his desperation get the better of him, but he would not let it affect her.

Slowly Tails stood from his seat, walking around to the side of the couch Cosmo was facing. He knelt down in front of her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. Cosmo's body tensed slightly, surprised by Tails' sudden embrace. She did not resist it however as she leaned more into his warm fur, resting her head on his shoulder. They stayed this way for some time, both finding comfort in the other's arms. Finally Tails pulled away, looking into Cosmo's eyes with his hands still on her shoulders. She looked back at him with glassy eyes, curious as to what he would say. Tails bowed his head solemnly as he spoke in a low voice.

"Cosmo, what I did was my fault," Tails began, "I let my sadness get out of hand and tried to take the easy way out. I should have thought more about the people who loved me and how they would feel when I was gone, especially you. I never meant to hurt you. I don't want you to think it was your fault. It was me who tried to escape from my pains, but all I did was make more for the people I care about most. I'm sorry Cosmo. I hope you don't... regret coming back now."

Cosmo's crying slowly ebbed as she listened to what Tails had to say. Her guilt began to fade away at Tails' soothing words. Although she was still not fully convinced that it was not her fault, she did realize that what Tails had done had resulted from an unstable mindset rather than his actual disposition. This gave her reassurance that Tails would not try to hurt himself again, but she still had to be sure.

Cosmo wiped at her eyes as she slowly looked up at Tails, smiling a small smile. She then leaned forward and gently hugged Tails, who responded by wrapping his arms around her. They remained this way for a few minutes before Cosmo finally pulled away looking into Tails' eyes.

"I would never regret coming back to you Tails," Cosmo said softly, "I wanted nothing more than to be here with you, but please, promise me you will never do anything like that again even if I'm not here."

"I promise Cosmo," Tails said, "I'll never hurt myself again. Please forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you Tails," Cosmo replied hugging him once again, "I could never be upset with you."

Tails managed to force a smile as he stood back up, walking over to his side of the couch and sitting down. He then turned to face Cosmo who smiled at him warmly. Tails could not help but marvel at her beauty. Everything about her was strange to him, but wonderful nonetheless. He could not figure out what it was that made her so much more beautiful to him than someone of his own kind, but she undeniably was. He found himself lost in her pretty eyes and her smiling face.

It was then he realized that he was staring and quickly turned his head away as he felt his face grow warm. He suddenly became unsure of what to say, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of the girl he loved. He began to think, trying to decide what he should say next.

"So, are you hungry?" Tails asked. He slapped his head with his hand when he realized how dull his choice in conversation was. Why did he have to say something so stupid?

"I suppose I am a bit," Cosmo replied, "I haven't eaten anything since... since I was gone." Cosmo gave a confused look at this last statement.

Tails quickly jumped up from the couch, feeling relieved that Cosmo had not found his remark stupid. "Sorry, I should have asked you earlier. I'll make you something."

"Oh, you really don't have to-" Cosmo began to say, but noticed that Tails had already walked into his kitchen. She gave a slight sigh as she stood up from the couch and followed him.

As she entered the kitchen she noticed that Tails was rummaging through his cabinets. She quietly approached Tails from behind and stood there watching him. Tails closed his cabinet and spun around, surprised to see Cosmo staring at him. He quickly walked past her and got down on his knees, opening another cabinet under his counter. He began to search this cabinet, poking his head inside to see its contents more clearly. As he rummaged about he called out to Cosmo from under the counter.

"Dang it! I really need to go to the store," He said out loud, "All I have is ramen and some Raisin Bran. Do you want some noodles Cosmo?"

"Tails, you really don't have to go to all this trouble," Cosmo said softly, "I'm fine."

"It's no trouble Cosmo," Tails said as his head emerged from the cupboard. As he began to stand he misjudged how far he had been under the counter and struck his head against the edge. "OW!" He yelled, gripping the side of his head in pain. Cosmo was shocked and knelt down next to Tails, placing a gentle hand on his head.

"Oh no!" Cosmo panicked, "Are you alright Tails?"

"I'll be fine," Tails said rubbing the sore spot on his head, "I just bumped my head."

"I told you not to go to so much trouble for me," Cosmo said, "Now you've hurt yourself. I'm sorry, I never meant to burden you like that."

"What?" Tails said looking confused, "Cosmo, I just bumped my head. It's not your fault, and if you're hungry you should eat. It's no trouble for me."

"But if I hadn't told you, you would have never hit your head," Cosmo protested, "It seems like I only cause you unnecessary problems, Tails."

"What?" Tails said in surprise, "What makes you say that?"

Cosmo hesitated for a moment, not wanting to bother Tails with her own insecurities. She knew that the guilt stemmed from the experiences they had on the Typhoon and her following death. After having put Tails through so much she worried that even the smallest things would be a burden to him. Nevertheless, if she wanted to further her relationship with Tails, which she did, she knew she would need to express these things. She gave a slight sigh as she looked at Tails with a serious expression.

"I... just don't want to burden you Tails," Cosmo said softly, "I was enough trouble while we were on the Typhoon. With all of the times I got into trouble and needed help, I could never really do anything on my own. With what I put you through after I... I just don't want you to have to worry any more Tails. I can get my own food if I'm hungry. There is no need to bother you with it."

Tails quietly listened to Cosmo as she told him this. It became apparent to him that his self-esteem was not the only one that had taken damage due to Cosmo's death, but hers as well. He recalled her statement that she had made before she died about gaining confidence in herself due to him and his friends, but after what had happened it seemed as though that newfound confidence had been taken away from her. He wondered if maybe he had stolen it from her by trying to end his life. This in turn made him feel guilty. He would not share it with her though, for that would in turn make her feel guilty. He refused to allow his mistakes to hurt her anymore.

Tails slowly stood up, wrapping his arm around hers and helping her to her feet as well. A smile slowly formed on his face as he looked at her. Cosmo tilted her head to the side, curious as to how he would respond. She got her answer when he took her hands into his, squeezing them gently.

"You are not a burden," Tails said in a soft tone, "I don't want you to think that about yourself. You were always helpful on the Typhoon. You were better than all of us at navigating space. So you got in trouble a few times. I've been in trouble like a million times and had to have Sonic save me. That doesn't make it your fault. Besides, I'm happy to do anything I can for you Cosmo. I don't mind making you food. It's no big deal. Don't worry so much, okay?"

A small smile crossed Cosmo's face at Tails' lighthearted attempts to comfort her. Although still not fully confident, Tails reassurance did help her to overcome her evasiveness of requesting things from him somewhat. She nodded to Tails in acceptance as he smiled back happily.

"So do you want some ramen?" Tails asked again.

"Please," Cosmo said sweetly, "Ah, what's ramen?"

"Huh?" Tails asked in a perplexed tone, "You don-" He then recalled a fact that he had so carelessly overlooked; Cosmo was not a Mobian, which meant she was unfamiliar with most Mobian foods and Mobian culture. He would most likely have to teach her so she would be able to function in Mobian society, a job he was glad to do. He gave a slight chuckle as he walked over to one of his other cabinets, opening it and removing a styrofoam cup. He handed the cup to Cosmo, who looked at it with confusion. "That's ramen," Tails said.

Cosmo eyed the cup with a confused expression, turning it over in her hands as she looked at it. She then looked up at Tails with a defeated expression. "This is plastic Tails. I don't think I can eat it."

Tails gave another bemused chuckle, taking the cup from her hands. He then pulled off the plastic wrap around the styrofoam cylinder and pealed back the paper top, revealing its contents. Cosmo tilted her head to the side as he did this. "The noodles are inside the cup Cosmo. Now I'll just put it in some water and heat it in the microwave."

"Oh, of course. How silly of me," Cosmo said in embarrassment.

"It's alright Cosmo," Tails said as he filled the cup with tap water, "I probably should have explained it better."

"Your world is so unfamiliar to me," Cosmo commented, "I hope I can learn to fit in here."

"I'm sure you will," Tails encouraged, "Considering how smart you are I'm sure you'll catch on really fast."

"I'm not that smart Tails," Cosmo said in a quiet voice.

Tails stopped as he was about to place the cup in the microwave and turned to Cosmo, looking at her with a confused expression. "Are you kidding?" Tails said in an exasperated tone, "You're one of the smartest people I know. We would have never made it through space without you."

"I didn't help much," Cosmo said, "I'm not a mechanic like you, or fast like Sonic, or strong like Knuckles."

"But you knew more about space than any of us!" Tails said, "You probably know more about navigating than I do! Besides, none of us could have deciphered the Metarex language. We really couldn't have done it without you."

Cosmo could not help but be flattered by Tails' words and gave him a small smile. "Thank you," she said blushing slightly.

Tails responded with a grin of his own as he returned to preparing Cosmo's food, placing the cup of noodles in the microwave and setting it for two minutes. As the microwave hummed to life he once again turned to address Cosmo, who was looking around the kitchen in curiosity. "So... what was it like?" Tails asked suddenly.

Cosmo quickly turned her attention to Tails looking at him with a confused expression. "What was what like?" She asked.

"You know... being... dead," Tails said suddenly sounding uncomfortable.

"I remember very little of it actually," Cosmo said growing very thoughtful, "It's almost like it never happened. I do remember it was very... beautiful. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"Was your family there?" Tails asked softly.

Cosmo suddenly grew quiet. She began to stare out into space with sadness in her eyes. She folded her hands in a solemn gesture seeming to become distraught. She remained like this for a moment before finally speaking. Her voice was very distant. "Yes..." Cosmo spoke softly, "I-I remember seeing my... my sisters... and... my mother." Tears began to trickle down her cheeks as she recalled her family, regretting that she would not see them again.

Tails noticed this and became downcast. Feeling the need to comfort her, he slowly approached Cosmo and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her gently. Cosmo's crying began to ebb as she looked up at Tails. He began to speak in a soft, comforting tone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," Tails said, "I know you must miss them. I wish they could have come back with you. I'm sorry you couldn't stay with them."

As Cosmo looked up at Tails the slight traces of a smile formed on her face. She began to lean into the hug, which surprised Tails. Cosmo closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling of Tails' warm fur, which gave her a sense of comfort. She then spoke in a soft voice.

"I don't remember much," Cosmo began, "but I do remember that I had a choice whether to come back or not; and although I do miss them, I don't want to go back to them now."

"Why?" Tails asked confused.

"Because I wanted you more," Cosmo replied.

Tails felt his face grow warm as he looked into Cosmo's beautiful blue eyes. He could not believe that this amazing girl who had lost everything she held dear, including her family, and had been given the chance to be with them again, loved him so much that she would choose him over them. He could not fathom what he did to deserve such a wonderful person in his life, but it must have been something right.

Tails suddenly became aware that the distance between his and Cosmo's faces was growing shorter. He could not help but feel hypnotized by her eyes, which seemed to sparkle as she stared at him. As they drew closer Cosmo's eyes began to close and she tilted her head slightly to the side. Tails did the same, knowing what was coming. His heart felt as though it would explode as he anticipated what would happen next.

The microwave proclaimed a loud chime as it finished heating the cup of noodles, causing both Tails and Cosmo to jump. Both of their faces turned red in embarrassment as they backed away from each other. Tails quickly walked over to the microwave, with a bitter expression on his face.

"Dang it! I must look like an idiot," Tails thought to himself, "That was my chance and a microwave ruined it! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Tails opened the microwave and reached in, retrieving Cosmo's ramen for her. He then walked across the kitchen and opened another cabinet, removing a bowl from within. He proceeded to dump the contents of the styrofoam cup into the bowl, which he handed to Cosmo. He then walked back over to the microwave and opened a drawer underneath it, taking a fork out from it. He handed the fork to Cosmo and gave her a slight smile.

"Do you want to eat that in here, or we can go back into the living room if you want?" Tails asked.

"Ah, maybe I should eat it in here. I don't want to spill any on your furniture," Cosmo said.

"Okay, if you're sure," Tails said walking over to the kitchen Table and pulling a chair out from under it for Cosmo. Cosmo took notice of this and walked over to the table, sitting down in the chair Tails had offered her. She placed the bowl in front of her as Tails pushed her closer to the table, smiling at his kind gesture.

"Thank you Tails," Cosmo said sweetly, "You're such a gentleman."

"Eh, you're welcome Cosmo," Tails said, scratching the back of his head. Tails then took a seat next to her, watching as she began to sample her food. He could not help but smile as he watched her, although this time it was not due to her beauty, but rather the fact that she was there to stare at period. It still baffled him as to how she could be there in the first place. Although he was unwilling to question her return at first, he was slowly becoming more curious. He had ruled out all possibility of her coming back when her plant had been destroyed by the cloaked figure, yet she had somehow managed to make it back anyway. Perhaps the drained state of the Chaos Emeralds had played a part in her return. Maybe they had sacrificed their power to bring her back before the plant could be destroyed. After all, the Emeralds had shown signs of free will in the past. None of this could be proven however. Perhaps it never would be. For now he would just have to accept that Cosmo had returned, and that alone satisfied him.

"Tails, are you alright?" Cosmo suddenly asked, noticing Tails staring at her. Tails snapped to attention when her realized he was staring again, blushing slightly.

"Uh, yeah," Tails stuttered slightly, "I'm just really happy that you're here."

"Aw, thank you Tails," Cosmo said sweetly, "I'm very glad to be here too. I hope I can learn to fit in here on Mobius seeing as I will be living here from now on."

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Tails said, "and I'll be happy to help you every step of the way."

"I just hope I don't become an inconvenience," Cosmo said, "If I begin to bother you please let me know."

"That's impossible," Tails said with a smile, "You could never bother me."

Cosmo smiled at him affectionately as she returned to eating her food. They continued like this for a while, with Tails watching Cosmo eat while they made idle conversation. Both felt a sense of contentment that nether had experienced before, enjoying each other's company with no strife to interfere with their time together. Now that Cosmo was back, Tails hoped that they could enjoy many more of these simple moments together. Aside from expected Eggman attacks life seemed to be looking up for both of the young lovers.

Cosmo finally finished her bowl of ramen, thanking Tails as she stood from her chair. She then made her way over to the sink, turning the faucet on and running the empty bowl under the warm water. Tails stood up and smiled, appreciating Cosmo's consideration but finding it a bit unnecessary. He approached her from behind and lightly tapped her shoulder to get her attention. Cosmo turned to face Tails giving him a curious look.

"You don't have to do that Cosmo," Tails said, "Just put the bowl in the sink. I can wash it later."

"But I used it," Cosmo said confused, "It only seems fair that I should clean it."

"Cosmo, you're a guest here," Tails said smiling, "You don't have to worry about stuff like that. I'll take care of it."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind," Cosmo said sweetly.

"I'm sure," Tails answered, "Let's go in the living room and relax."

Cosmo shrugged her shoulders as she set the bowl down in the sink, following Tails back into the living room and sitting down on the couch. As she sat she became aware that Tails had become oddly silent. She looked over at him and noticed that he was shifting in his seat with a red blush leaking through the fur on his cheeks. He seemed to be avoiding Cosmo's gaze as she looked at him curiously. Finally he turned to face Cosmo with a nervous expression on his face.

"Cosmo, there's... something I wanted to ask you," Tails said nervously, "Something that I've been curious about for a long time now."

"Of course," Cosmo said, listening intently, "Ask me anything you want."

"Well, I know you don't remember much after you died... but... do you remember anything... before you left the Typhoon... after I pulled the trigger?"

"Actually yes," Cosmo said, "I do remember that. I remember saying goodbye to you just before I left. Why?"

"Well... do you remember what you did... before you left?" Tails seemed to grow even more nervous as the blush on his face deepened.

It suddenly became clear to Cosmo exactly what Tails was referring to as she too began to blush. She began to shift in her seat as well before finally answering him. "You mean... when I kissed you?" Cosmo asked softly.

Tails seemed to experience a sudden rush of relief at hearing this, breathing a relieved sigh. "So it was real," he said, "I wasn't hallucinating, or going crazy?"

"No, I really did kiss you," Cosmo answered shyly, "Why would you think that it wasn't real?"

"I don't know," Tails said softly, "I just thought that after you died, maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see. I only wish I could have felt it." Tails slapped his hands over his mouth as he said this, turning almost as red as Knuckles. He quickly adverted his gaze from Cosmo bowing his head in shame. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"I wish I had felt it too," Cosmo whispered, surprising Tails. He looked up from his sulking, still blushing, but now curious. While Cosmo's head was turned, he slid slightly closer to her on the couch. Cosmo turned to face Tails, not seeming to notice that he was significantly closer now. She spoke in a soft, gentle voice. "I... would like to know what it is like... Perhaps... if you don't have any objections... we... might... try again?"

"ABSOLUTELY!" Tails suddenly shouted, then slapped his forehead as he scolded himself for his over enthusiasm. "I mean, if... you want. I don't mind," Tails said in a calmer voice.

"No... I don't mind... If that's what you want..."

An awkward silence suddenly prevailed the room as Tails and Cosmo stared at each other uncomfortably. They remained like this for some time just staring at each other before Cosmo finally broke the silence.

"Well... I suppose I'll take the first step," she said leaning forward slowly.

Tails hesitated out of nervousness for a moment, but then slowly leaned forward himself. His heart began to race as his anticipation began to rise. His eyes began to close and he tilted his head slightly to the side. Cosmo did likewise, their faces drawing nearer and nearer like opposite poles of a magnet. Tails could feel Cosmo's gentle breath on his lips, which caused his heart to race even more. An eternity seemed to pass as he waited for their lips to connect.

What happened next could only be described as pure ecstasy. As Tails and Cosmo locked lips their bodies grew very tense, slowly relaxing the longer they held it. The experience was new for both of them, sharing something so personal and passionate as this with the other. Tails became aware of a strange nectar like taste that Cosmo's lips seemed to secrete, like that of a honeysuckle. Cosmo noticed how Tails' whiskers tickled her face, feeling very strange but not at all unpleasant. They held like this for some time, enjoying this new experience.

It seemed to end almost as soon as it had begun for Tails as Cosmo gently pulled away. A deep blush covered her face, but did not hide the smile on her face. Tails was stunned, sitting there with a stupid grin on his face as he recovered from the sensation of his first real kiss. They sat there staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity before Tails finally broke the silence.

"I... should probably try to call Miss Vanilla again... to let them know I'm back."

Cosmo couldn't help but giggle at Tails' evasiveness. "All right," she said softly.

As Tails stood and made his way across the living room he could not help but feel more exuberant. His past pains seemed like they had never occurred as he reveled in the presence of the girl he loved. Whatever happened in the future no longer mattered to him, for he knew that Cosmo would be with him forever now. It seemed as though life could get any sweeter for the young fox.

The curtains of reality may keep me from reaching you, but it does not block you from my sight. It's only a matter of time before I bring those curtains crashing down...
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TheSpartanGamer901's avatar
My Thoughts:

Microwave: the new cock blocker! XD I about died when that happened!!

Yay! They finally kissed! That's so sweet!

Who was the person at the end? He cloaked guy? Dark Oak? I guess I'll learn later...

Onto the next chapter!! :D
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