
Eternal Angel: Chapter 4

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Tails sat on his couch and stared forlornly at the sprout in front of him. Time seemed to pass slowly for the fox as he watched his plant grow within its small clay pot. As the hours dragged on his mind began to wander only to arrive at the same thoughts as before. His thoughts always drifted back to his love and how he wished she could be there with him. He began to find it increasingly painful to think about her yet found it painful not to. Once again he found himself talking to the plant as though it were her.

"Hi there," he whispered softly, "I-I-I miss you..."

He hung his head and began to fight back tears. Although he could not explain it he felt that somehow she was listening and continued to speak.

"There are so many things I wanted to tell you Cosmo. I'm sorry I never said anything..."

His breathing became shaky as he struggled to maintain his composure. He blinked back tears and continued to speak.

"Remember that time when we looked at the stars together on the Typhoon? I-I tried to tell you that you were beautiful... but I got nervous. You thought I meant the stars..." A single tear rolled down his cheek as he reached out and gently stroked one of the small leaves on the sapling, "I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that before."

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked up at his wall clock and noticed that it was almost ten o'clock. He gave a long sigh as he stood up making his way to the door.

"Who is it?" Tails called through the door. He was not in the mood for company.

"It's Sonic," said a voice from the other side, "can I come in?"

Tails sighed and opened the door. Standing in front of him was the familiar cobalt blue hedgehog with a look of concern on his face.

"Hey little buddy," Sonic greeted with a forced smile, "Mind if I come in?"

"It's late," Tails replied flatly.

"I know, I just came to check on you," said Sonic, "May I please come in?"

Tails looked at Sonic wearily before finally stepping to the side. Sonic walked into the house and sat down on the sofa followed by Tails. There was a long silence before either of them spoke.

"So... how's it going?" Sonic finally asked. His question was met with a cold stare from Tails.

"You know how Sonic," Tails said dryly. His gaze shifted back to the plant on his coffee table.

Sonic followed his gaze until it fell upon the small clay pot. He sighed sadly as he stared back at his best friend.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Asked Sonic.

"No," Tails snapped. There was another awkward silence as Tails continued to stare at the pot. Tears began to drip down his muzzle as he looked back up at his best friend. "I miss her," he finally replied.

"I know," Sonic said leaning forward and placing a hand on his shoulder, "I'm really sorry."

"It's just not fair!" Tails sobbed, "She never hurt anyone! She never did anything wrong! Why did she have to die!? It's just not fair!"

"It never is Tails," Sonic whispered, "Sometimes bad things happen. You can't let it beat you."

"Why can't you understand!?" Tails yelled, "I loved her Sonic! She meant the world to me! I promised to protect her... and now she's gone!!!" Tails buried his face in his hands sobbing loudly.

Sonic looked at Tails sadly. He wondered what he might say to help calm Tails' hysteria and was distressed to find that he could not think of anything.

"Tails, I know how you feel but-"

"No, you don't," Tails said coldly, "you never will. Your Sonic the Hedgehog, you never lose."

Sonic sat there shocked. Tails had never acted so coldly toward him. He tried to think of some way to reply but nothing came to mind. It seemed as though Tails almost resented his help.

"Tails... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"I'm sorry Sonic," Tails said in a weary voice, "but I really don't feel like talking to you right now. Can you please leave?"

Sonic was taken aback, "Tails, can you please just-"

"Sonic... get out."

Sonic stared for a moment before finally standing up. "Okay Tails," he said as he made his way to the door. He stopped when he got halfway there and turned. Pulling out the sparkling yellow Chaos Emerald he approached Tails.

"Here," he said setting the glowing jewel down on the coffee table, "we decided to divide them up. We thought this one would be safe with you."

Tails eyed the Emerald and then turned his head back up to Sonic. "Okay," he whispered.

Sonic stared at him for a moment before he finally turned to leave. Tails breathed a sigh of relief as he walked out the door.

"Why can't they understand?" Tails thought to himself, "I loved her. Is it really so hard to understand that?"

Tails felt his eyes grow heavy as he laid his head down on the couch. He struggled to keep his eyes open but was eventually overcome by fatigue. Just before he closed his eyes he turned his head back toward the plant on his coffee table.

"Good night Cosmo," he said with tears in his eyes, "Please forgive me." With that he drifted off to sleep.

An endless plain of white surrounded him. He looked about frantically trying to determine where he was. He walked a few paces forward but found that he wasn't going anywhere. He called out only to hear his own voice echo in the empty space. He turned around looking for anything that he might find.

Upon turning his eyes fell upon a familiar face. A young girl with emerald green hair and rosebuds protruding from the sides of her head was staring blankly at him with huge sapphire eyes. It was the face he longed to see most.

"COSMO!" He shouted running toward her with outstretched arms, "You're here! I thought I had lost you!" Just before wrapping his arms around her she vanished leaving him bewildered and confused. "COSMO!" He yelled searching about frantically. He once again turned to find her standing several feet away from him. "Cosmo! I'm sorry!" He cried, rushing forward only for her to vanish again. "NO!!!" He screamed. As he turned again his eyes fell upon an unfamiliar figure.

A hooded cape shrouded most of the figures features. Even under the veil Tails noticed how the figure towered over him. Although he could not see the figures face he could make out two brown eyes staring down at him coldly.

"Who are you? What have you done with Cosmo!?" He demanded.

The figure only continued to stare at him. Its eyes seemed to burn with an inner light.

"ANSWER ME!" He shouted in rage.

The figure suddenly released a mad cackle that sent chills up his spine. He backed away in fear of the dark figure. The figure continued to laugh as it stalked toward him. The figure then rushed forward enveloping him in darkness.

"NO!!!" He screamed.

Tails shot up on his couch and looked around. Sweat pored from his brow as he tried to decide where he was. He breathed a sigh of relief when he realized he was still in his living room.

"It was just a dream," he said to himself, "It was all just a dream."

He looked over to the coffee table and made out the silhouette of Cosmo's plant in the darkness. He cringed and laid his head back down closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The next day Tails woke up feeling exhausted. He had not slept well following his recent nightmare. He sat up groggily and looked around the room. Noticing Cosmo's plant he stood up and walked into the kitchen. He returned with a cup of water and poured it into the pot making sure to soak the soil thoroughly. He sat back on the couch resting his head in his hands and staring at the plant with glassy eyes.

"Good morning Cosmo," he said staring at the plant, "I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed that you were here, but kept disappearing!" He began to tear at his own words, "Someone else was there too, but I couldn't tell who they were. They seemed evil, but I guess it was just a dream huh?" Tails picked up the flowerpot and hugged it close. Tears dripped from his muzzle and ran down the small leaves of the plant. "I miss you Cosmo... I don't know if I can live without you. Please come back!"

Suddenly the front door opened and Sonic the Hedgehog walked in. "Hey Tails! How are you feeling toda-" Sonic stopped when he saw Tails cradling the plant in his arms. His expression turned from lighthearted to disappointed. "Oh Tails, you have to stop this," Sonic said shaking his head.

"You're supposed to knock!" Tails yelled still clutching the pot.

"Tails, this isn't healthy!" Sonic said sternly, "What would Cosmo say if she saw you like this?"


Sonic stood there with his mouth agape. He was shocked that Tails would yell at him like this. He slowly turned to leave when Tails caught his arm. He turned around to see tears streaming from his eyes. Tails ran forward and embraced his older brother burying his head in his stomach.

"I'm sorry Sonic!" Tails bawled, "I just miss her so much! I wish I hadn't pulled that trigger!"

"Uh... It's okay," Sonic said nervously, patting Tails on the back, "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to upset you. I just don't like seeing you like this."

"I know she's gone," Tails sniffed, "It's just hard to keep getting reminded it."

"Yeah, I know," replied Sonic, "Can you please let go of me now?"

"Oh, sorry Sonic," Tails said backing away from him, "Did you need something?"

"Yeah, Miss Vanilla wants us to come over for breakfast. You want to go?"

"I really don't feel like it," Tails said staring at the floor.

"Come on Tails," Sonic persisted, "you can't stay in your house forever. I know you miss Cosmo, but I really don't want you by yourself right now."

Tails looked at Sonic oddly, "Why? I've lived by myself all this time. What's so different now?"

"Well," Sonic shifted his gaze about nervously, "I know your sad about Cosmo and all. I just don't want you to do anything to... you know... hurt yourself."

"Sonic, I'm not going to hurt myself," Tails growled, "I just want to be alone."

"Tails please?" Sonic pleaded, "We're all worried about you. Miss Vanilla really wants to see you. Please?"

Tails closed his eyes and sighed heavily. There was a long silence as he considered the idea.

"Fine," he said finally, "I'll come."

"Great!" Sonic said grabbing Tails' arm and pulling him toward the door, "Lets go!"

"Wait," Tails said pulling himself from Sonic's grip, "you go ahead. I'll be there in a minute."

Sonic stared at his best friend curiously. As he looked upon his friend he noticed his tired eyes and unkempt fur. His expression turned from one of curiosity to pity.

"Okay Tails," Sonic finally said, "you take as long as you need to." With that Sonic slowly walked out the door and closed it behind him.

"Man, I have to find some way to help Tails get his mind off Cosmo," Sonic thought to himself as he paced towards Vanilla's house, "I think I'll talk to Vanilla about this."

At Vanilla's house Amy, Cream, Cheese, Knuckles, Chris, and Vanilla were all gathered around the dining table. Amy looked toward the door and gave a loud sigh. Cream glanced at Cheese with a questioning look. Knuckles just sat there with his arms crossed. Vanilla folded her hands as she quietly pondered.

"When are they going to get here!?" Yelled Knuckles banging his fists on the table, "I'm starving!"

"Knuckles, mind your manners!" Vanilla scolded, "I'm sure they will be here soon."

"Miss Vanilla are you sure they're coming?" Asked Amy, "It's already ten-thirty."

"I'm sure they will dear," Vanilla said, "Oh I hope that poor Tails is okay."

At that moment the front door opened and Sonic stepped into the house looking rather downcast. Amy jumped up from her chair and charged into Sonic crushing him in a hug.

"Sonic! You're here! I saved you a seat right beside me!"

"Uh, thanks Amy," Sonic said pulling away from her grip, "You guys may want to go ahead and eat though."

"Why what's wrong?" Amy asked Sonic nervously.

"Is Tails here?" Vanilla asked calmly, "I was keeping everything warm until he got here."

"No," Sonic replied, "he said he'd be here in a minute."

"Oh? Is he all right?"

"Um can I talk to you in private Miss Vanilla?" Sonic asked seriously.

"Of course dear. Excuse us everyone, go ahead and eat if you want to." Vanilla stood up from her chair and guided Sonic down the hallway to the spare bedroom. She shut the door behind them and locked it, then turned to face Sonic. "What's wrong?" She asked seriously.

Sonic sighed and sat down on the bed, "It's Tails, I'm really worried about him. He's not acting right."

"I see," Vanilla said, "How exactly is he acting Sonic?"

"Well, he's not really talking to me much," Sonic began, "and this morning when I went to get him he was hugging the flowerpot Cosmo's seed is in. I'm not sure how to reach him."

Vanilla was silently nodding her head as she took all of the information in, weighing all of it before she spoke.

"Sonic you have to understand, Tails has lost someone very important to him. He is in a state of mourning right now. It will take time for him to recover. Even then he may never truly be able to let her go."

"But why won't he talk to me about this?" Sonic asked, "He's always come to me with problems. Why can't he talk to me now?"

"Tails is still suffering with much guilt," Vanilla pointed out, "Often times when we feel guilty we are afraid to speak of it for fear of being judged."

"But Tails knows I won't judge him," Sonic defended, "I've never judged him!"

"Isn't saying that he's not acting right placing a judgment Sonic?

Sonic opened his mouth to speak but said nothing. He deeply considered this before he spoke. "Vanilla he was hugging that flowerpot like his life depended on it. Isn't that unhealthy?"

"Perhaps doing that makes him feel closer to Cosmo," Vanilla pointed out, "He needs to feel that closeness right now. If they loved each other as much as you have said then he is probably not ready to let her go yet. There is nothing wrong with that."

"Then how can I help him!?" Sonic raised his voice, "I don't want anything to happen to him!"

Vanilla leaned forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. She looked at him with her soft brown eyes, "You can help him by giving him his space. He will talk to you when he's ready."

"So I do nothing then?" Asked Sonic.

"No," Vanilla answered calmly, "You be there for him."

Sonic sighed and looked down at his feet, then turned his head back up toward Vanilla, "Thanks Miss Vanilla. I really appreciate it."

"Of course," Vanilla smiled, "glad I could help. Now let's go and eat some breakfast. You look hungry."

Sonic smiled and stood up followed by Vanilla. They made their way to the dining room where everyone had already begun eating. Sonic made a plate and sat down beside Amy who was staring at him incredulously.

"Is everything okay Sonic?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, everything's cool," Sonic replied calmly.

"Are you sure?" Amy continued to press.

"Amy, everything's fine," Sonic said sternly, "Let's just drop it now okay?"

Amy was surprised but she continued to eat. Everyone sat in silence until Knuckles looked up at the clock.

"Is Tails ever going to get here?" Asked Knuckles impatiently, "It's already eleven o'clock! Pretty soon it'll be lunch time!"

"Now, now, we can't rush him," said Vanilla, "He is probably very tired. We need to be patient with him." Just as she said this there was a knock on the door. "That's probably him now," Vanilla said standing up and making her way over to the door. She opened the door to find a tired looking yellow fox standing on her front steps.

"Hi Miss Vanilla. Can I come in?" Asked Tails.

"Of course you can dear! It's so good to finally see you!" Vanilla said picking him up and hugging him.

"Uh thanks... Can you put me down please?"

"Oh, sorry dear," Vanilla said setting him down on his feat, "Won't you come in and sit down?"

"I guess," Tails said as he walked past Vanilla making his way into the dining room.

"Tails! You came!" Cream jumped up and hugged him.

"Hi Cream," Tails said returning the hug, "Sorry I'm late."

"It's okay," Cream said sweetly, "We're just glad you made it!"

"Chao!" Agreed Cheese.

"Well, it's about time you got here!" Knuckles said finishing his plate, "Were almost finished eating!"

"It's all right Tails," Vanilla assured him, "I kept everything warm for you. Why don't you go and make yourself a plate?"

"I'm not really that hungry," Tails said quietly.

"Nonsense," Vanilla argued, "You really should eat something. I'll go and make your plate for you." Tails was about to object but Vanilla had dashed off to the kitchen before he could. He sighed and sat down at the dining table. Vanilla returned shortly after with a plate of eggs and toast. "Here you are sweetheart."

Tails stared down at the plate then at the others at the table. He sighed and rested his head in his hands.

"So Tails," Sonic began, "you feeling any be-" he stopped himself when he saw Vanilla shaking her head, "Never mind," he sighed.

"Are you glad to be home dear?" Vanilla asked sweetly.

"Doesn't matter to me," Tails replied glumly, "It's just like any other planet we visited."

"Oh come on Tails. Mobius is the best planet in the whole universe!" Cream encouraged, "It's big, it's pretty, and all of your friends are here!"

"Not all of them," Tails mumbled quietly.

There was a long silence. The phone rang suddenly and Vanilla jumped up from her chair to answer it.

"Hello," she said into the receiver. A voice could be heard on the other end speaking to Vanilla. She nodded her head as she listened. A smile then spread across her face as she finally said, "Wonderful! We would be honored! Thank you very much. Good bye!" She hung up the phone and turned back to the group who gave her inquisitive looks.

"Who was that mom?" Asked Cream.

"That was a message from Princess Sally. We have been invited to a ceremony at Castle Acorn in your honor for defeating the Metarex!"

"A ceremony? That's awesome!" Sonic said enthusiastically, "Sounds like a lot of fun! You guys want to go?"

The question was met with a resounding cheer from everyone at the table. When they noticed Tails was not cheering everyone looked at him with curious glances. Tails stared apathetically, poking at his egg, disregarding the question.

"Tails, you want to go?" Sonic asked again.

"I don't really feel like it Sonic," Tails answered, "You guys go without me."

"Come on Tails," Sonic pressured, "everyone wants to meet the heroes that defeated the Metarex! I know you're upset, but you can't hide in your house forever."

"Sonic," Vanilla interrupted, "if Tails doesn't feel like going then he doesn't have to. Don't pressure him."

Tails closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. "Okay... I'll go," he said reluctantly.

Suddenly the front door burst open with Vector the Crocodile entering followed by Espio and Charmy.

"What on Mobius! Vector where are your manners?" Said Vanilla surprised.

Vector was panting hard, suggesting he had been running. "Sonic," Vector wheezed, "it's gone..."

"Whoa, calm down Vector," Sonic said coolly, "What's gone?"

"The Chaos Emerald," Vector puffed, "it's gone."

Everyone's eyes went wide.

Artwork by Iyzeekiil
Story by FicDoctorMD
© 2012 - 2024 DrFic-PsyD
bagginos's avatar
*looks at cover picture* Jesus, what happened to you, Tails?
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